Speight's Ale House Blenheim
Speight's Ale House Blenheim - generous to a fault! Proud to be serving true southern hospitality to locals and visitors to Blenheim. Open 7 days with a range of award winning traditional ales and beers complimented by an extensive all day menu. Indoor and outdoor seating in modern and comfortable surroundings. Restaurant reservations essential. For more information visit www.alehouseblenheim.co.nz or Speight's Ale House Blenheim on Facebook.
- Off street parking
- Air Conditioned
- Wifi
- Function room
- Children's menu
As products/offers may change without notice please contact this business for any queries related to their compliance with New Zealand’s Health and Safety and regulatory requirements.
Postal Address
111 Middle Renwick Road, Springlands, Blenheim
111 Middle Renwick Road, Springlands, Blenheim