Queen Charlotte Wilderness Park
Queen Charlotte Wilderness Park is a very large isolated private peninsula north of Ship Cove.
Because it is the only private accommodation in the area, the park provides an exclusive opportunity to explore both the park itself and the surrounding islands and public reserves by night and day.
Visitors can walk our extensive network of tracks or choose to let us support them by Land Rover or RIB. A very wide range of activities is provided for, on land and in, on or under the sea.
The park is also home to the Outer Queen Charlotte Track - a three-day walking experience which connects Ship Cove to the tip of Cape Jackson.
- Walking tracks
- Land Rover and RIB eco tours
- Diving
- Kayaking
- Fishing
- Gold mines
- Full accommodation.
As products/offers may change without notice please contact this business for any queries related to their compliance with New Zealand’s Health and Safety and regulatory requirements.
Postal Address
Anakakata Bay, Cape Jackson Peninsula, Queen Charlotte Sound
Anakakata Bay, Cape Jackson Peninsula, Queen Charlotte Sound
64 3 579 9025