Ant Moore Wines Cellar Door

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Like their namesake, ant moore wines are free spirited. As a winemaker, Ant is an experimenter, a creative oenologist who sees – and does – things differently. From the introduction of wild ferments to the elimination of fining and barrel aging his Sav, there is care and consideration in every ant moore wine that is usually reserved for wines well above their price point. Come and try the wines for yourself at our Cellar Door, where also on site you'll find The Fancy Cow Restaurant & Bar and DNA Brewery & Taproom.
As products/offers may change without notice please contact this business for any queries related to their compliance with New Zealand’s Health and Safety and regulatory requirements.
Postal Address
309 Rapaura Road, RD 3, Blenheim 7273
309 Rapaura Road, RD 3, Blenheim 7273
03 242 6260